Video Updates on SB 1 & SB 84

Occasionally, I'll be sharing video explanations of positions or actions I have taken on certain bills, especially when they might be controversial or confusing.  

There are two bills I'd like to share about today, SB 1 and SB 84.  Last week, I stood on the floor and explained that I had an issue with SB 1 although I voted for the bill.  This week, I voted no in committee and I also stood to speak on SB 84 due to my concerns.  I hope these video explanations will help you understand my position and reasoning for the actions I took in both cases.

SB 1 - Relating to county officials

SB 84 - Tampering with an election official

I hope this information is valuable and helpful to you.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my office.